Tuesday, July 3, 2012

How to Keep Your Kids Out of Trouble

What should I do?

This is on every parents mind since their kids come of age and begin to think for themselves. It must be so hard nowadays for a lot of parents who work nonstop to provide a better future for their children. But, sometimes we forget that being there for our children actually help keep them out of trouble. Being more involved in our children's lives help strengthen that bond for a lifetime. Well what should you do if your kids are acting like lil devils or deviants? The answer is plain and simple. Keep them busy!

You must be thinking, well okay but how? When I was growing up my mother had me in so many activities I never even had time for myself. I was a swimmer since the age of 5. I would go to swim practice at the Y (aka YMCA) everyday after school and compete every weekend. Then when I was about 8 my mom signed me up for gymnastics while I was still swimming. Even though it was short lived she still had me active with swimming and another activity. When I was about 9 she signed me up for piano and yet again...swimming. When I finally got out of swimming, I gained weight (not too much though) but I was still doing an activity, which was ....piano. I was so bored with not being in a sport that I convinced my mom to let me join the high school vollleyball team, which I did. I later ended up quitting due to the fact that my original coach was replaced by a nasty one who had "favorites". So I didn't want to deal with the drama, so I quit. When I was in my last year of High School, I wasn't doing anything much, except taking college courses. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that during the summer I would take college courses, not because my mom made me, but because I wanted to. I was so used to being physically or mentally active that I had to do something productive or I would become bored out of my mind! 'Till this day I'm still this way. But, like I was saying, in my last year of high school I wasn't doing anything. My parents didn't allow me to get a job, which I BEGGED for. They said no for their own selfish reasons which till this day I don't know what they were. So there I am about to be a high school graduate, no extra curricular activities, no job, with a car and a boyfriend. You could just imagine what happened....I got pregnant. Yup, in my freshman year of college I got knocked up. And of course I kept the baby, which I don't regret in the least bit. Where am I going with this? If I would have stayed active or been allowed to get a job then I wouldn't have had too much time in my hands during that summer after graduation.

What I'm trying to let people understand is that by keeping your kids active physically and mentally, they won't have time to mess around. I see most of the kids that are deviants is because either their parents just don't care or are too busy to keep their kids active. Kids need to let out that energy building up inside them. For adults it's called stress for kids it's called hyperactivity. By starting when their small you teach them discipline from a young age. If your kids are already pre-teen or teens, push them to join a sport or activity. Be mindful of their "friends". No matter how well your kids are well behaved, the wrong crowd can corrupt the most honest man.

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