Are shows like SpongeBob Squarepants being sexually suggestive?
The asnwer is....yes. Times have changed unfortunately. Things aren't as innocent as they used to be. Back in the day it was only suggested where as today it's heavily implied. It seems that companies have grown greedier and more competitive. They not only try to target the children but the parents as well. Which is understandable since you only get two options. Either sit through a show and be bored out of your mind or listen to a kid yell and scream that they want to watch they're favorite kid show. It's not a win win situation here. So they make shows a little bit more perverted to bring in older audiences.Does seem harmless right? Well if you're okay with your kids exposed to sick jokes that they themselves don't get, we do, then it's all upto the parents to decide. But quite frankly it's funny at times and disturbing at other times, in my opinion. I'm not extrememly comfortable with the idea, as I begin to think about my kids watching shows that are supposed to be PG age appropriate shows when they should be more like PG-13. Maybe I'm just exaggerating, but if you don't believe me or think it's not that big of a deal, check out this
vid of dirty spongebob jokes.
Here are some stills of dirty spongebob jokes
Panty Raid |
In the panty raid picture above Mr. Krabs begins to feel "old" so he embarks on an adventure with SpongeBob and Patrick to rejuvenice his soul. Their last conquest was a house and their mission? Panty Raid. It turned out though that it was Mr. Krabs' mother who they were raiding. If you don't think that's disturbing, then what's wrong with you?
Mr. Krabs wearing a bra |
In this picture Mr. Krabs is naked wearing a bra. Suggesting perhaps that cross dressing is alright? I'm not here to judge and say it's wrong. But, when you suggest to my kids what's okay and what's not okay, I have a problem with it and I would imagine other parents would feel the same. Children shouldn't be "confused" when their KIDS. They're supposed to enjoy their childhood by playing outside and doing kids activities. There's plenty of time (in the future) when they decide what sexual orientation they choose or what lifestyle they want to live. Leave the adult decisions to the adults, not children by brainwashing them.
Squidward is pointto Mr. Krabs it's that time of the month |
This is a "double-meaning" joke in reference to Plankton always trying to invade the Krusty Krab to steal the formula. It's also a meaning refering to the woman's cycle. Quite obviously children won't know this joke reference unless you've already hit puberty or know the meaning of the pun. I found this quite funny up until the next still shows a red blimp signifying the bloody period. Yeah thanks for reminding us.
Spongebob says "Don't drop [the soap] Gary" |
Now this is just plain messed up. Besides being a prison reference it's also a rape/sodomy joke. Like I've said before these jokes are quite funny, then something always kills it for me. Spongebob winks. It can mean two things. First they're trying to imply really strongly the joke reference or two, it's a gay joke. For years people have been speculating and saying SpongeBob is gay. I don't want to go into detail because it's disturbing, but I'll leave it to your imagination.
Although these kids shows are meant for kids, they're also meant for adults which is why I believe they have hidden sexual messages/jokes. Although most parents wouldn't mind watching shows like SpongeBob, I have had an issue with it. Not because of the sexual hidden jokes, but because of the dirty unsanitary things they now do. When SpongeBob first started it was actually worth watching (does anyone remember Ripped Pants?). Now everytime my babes are watching SpongeBob I find myself squirming. I can't sit through an episode (new episodes) and eat anything. I feel like throwing up. They're numerous episodes where Patrick and SpongeBob are always going through garbage, eating garbage, or getting covered in questionable fluids. It's soo disgusting. Not to mention that Patrick is always made fun of for being an "idiot" or "dumb" (which to I note: why in some episodes he's so smart and other's he isn't so bright?). Making fun of kids with mental disorders is NOT right. Eitherway it's a cartoon and maybe I shouldn't take it so seriously.
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