Saturday, March 16, 2013

Furdiburb: the Robot & Relics

In this scene you see a hole, a plant, buildings on top of the mountains, and a dome. Might seem insignificant, but each plays a part in the return of your Furdiburb.

I'll briefly summarize the significance of the hole and the plant. If you haven't noticed already, if you try and water the plant, it will grow but nothing else happens on the surface. The key lies on the root of that plant. The sleeping purple root will be needed for another scene, the farmer scene. To enter the hole you will need to feed your furdi a shrinking mushroom. You will find this mushroom in the gypsy scene. Grow the leefy grass area, just like in the burnt forest. You will see two purple mushrooms sprout. Save them in your inventory. Go the robot scene and feed furdi the shrinking mushroom. Once he is shrunken, water the plant beforehand, and drop him down the tunnel. You will notice a purple sleeping looking beet. Pick it and save it to your inventory. You will need to feed it to the gopher in the farm scene.

For the dome you will need to place a music box relic. You will find these in the robots store, up in the mountains. Grab the free relic first, when you accumulate enough money, you can return and purchase the rest. The blue, free one, is to gain an item and recipe. Green is to gain money, about $2k. You will need the pink relic to gain something to return the bird's song and a recipe. When you do this she will, in gratitude, give you a feather. You will need this feather for a recipe later on.

To play the dome, place Furdiburb inside first then enter, by pressing and holding the dome. Once you do that, place the relic inside the compartment to the left. A melody will play. You will need to complete all levels to reach your objective. Try to repeat the melody by pressing one by one the music notes in order. It takes a little getting used to. But, as a first timer, the game will assist you with arrows pointing up or down and will guide you to the right note. Once you advance the help diminishes and you will be on your own.

Good luck ;)
*I should also note that you will need to use the dome for a relic collected on the moon. You can purchase a potion at the owls place to take you straight to the moon and collect this relic*

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