Monday, July 2, 2012

Boyfriend's Ex-Girlfriend trouble

What should you do if your current boyfriend's ex-girlfriend is trying to cause trouble?

We've all heard this story before and many of us have actually gone through something like this. What do you do when the psychotic EX girlfriend of your boyfriend wants "him" back? Well it depends what she's trying to do in order to "get him back" and what he's not doing to stop her.

First let's analyze the situation. What were the reasons for the breakup? Did she dump him? Did he leave her? Or was it mutual? What were the terms of the breakup? Was it peacefully or was it really nasty? These are important factors to know. Why? Because first and foremost you need to know if she's trouble. Overly emotional, possessive, controlling, and/or jealousy are bad signs of a trouble maker.

If he was dumped, it's already a bad sign. Guy's have an ego issue thing going on. Even if they didn't like her, the fact that she broke it off let a scar in his ego. If that's the case then I wouldn't worry too much. Unless he's a cheater and he's cheated on you before then I wouldn't worry either. All you need to do is be confident in yourself and in your relationship. There's no point in being insecure because unless you know how to mask your emotions and are in control of them, he will see right through to you. It's also not healthy for you mentally and emotionally to worry about a guy's fidelity. If he's going to cheat, he's going to do it whether you like it or not and whether you keep tabs on him like crazy. Everyone and anyone is capable of doing it so just live your life happily and freely.

If he was dumped and was in love with her is a really bad sign. If he's not over his ex then he will let her get away with anything. That's a definete red flag. Unless he puts her in her place and does everything he can to keep her away then HE STILL LOVES her (or at least still have feelings for her) and most likely would like to get back with her if not hook up with her. This is where it's UP TO YOU, if you care/love him, to keep him. Like I said before living your life independently and happily outside of your relationship and going out with friends and making yourself unavailable will really show you if he's interested in you. He'll show signs of jealousy and pay attention to you more. Keeping a cool head will also attract him more to you. Unlike his ex he will see that you can keep a level head and are mature and also "unavailable". Being unavailable is so attracting, which is why so many guys chase after girls who aren't interested and girls who chase after guys who are in relationships.

If your man is doing all the right things by trying to keep his ex at bay and far away from him as possible and she still is persistent, then I would have a word with his ex. You don't have to be vulgar or obscene. Just have a straight through talk and let her know she needs to respect your relationship or else! ... jk. You need to let her know she needs to stay away and if that doesn't work then both of you will probably need to tell her together (if he's upto it). If things become worse and threatening you can always get a restraining order.

Things can get pretty ugly pretty fast, especially with emotionally, unstable, and unpredictable people. You never know what their capable of. So be safe. Never assume she might not "hurt" you. Women, especially crazy ex girlfriends, can get pretty crazy and stupid OVER A GUY!

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